Executive Team

Peter Birkett- Chief Executive Officer
Peter Birkett MBA, BCom, RM, RN, MAICD, MCHSM, ARI
Peter has been appointed as the new Chief Executive Officer to lead Assisi Aged Care. He has extensive experience in health service management and governance from both the metropolitan and rural sectors. His most recent role was the development of a sustainable combined NGO and Public Sector community-based organisation at Hesse Rural Health recognised for its unique dementia environment.
Peter is passionate about lifting the business and quality profile of aged care. He holds an honorary appointment as a Senior Adjunct Lecturer with La Trobe University in recognition of collaborative partnerships to advance the importance of quality care and design in residential aged care settings.
In 2016 Peter led a significant national quality project partnering the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards, the Australian Aged Care Quality Agency with Hesse and West Wimmera Health Service in the piloting of a joint accreditation under all National, EQuIP and Aged Care standards.
He has been sought to deliver many conference presentations nationally and internationally on aged care, dementia and the rural environment. In creating Hesse Rural Health as an aged care centre of excellence he has enabled Hesse to become part of a partnership with LaTrobe University (Melb), the University of Umea, Sweden, and the University of Oslo, Norway, to advance research into Person Centred Care and Thriving.
Peter entered the Health Care sector from the banking industry. He has studied General Nursing and Midwifery, holds a Bachelor of Commerce and Masters in Business Administration, is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, and in 2017 completed the Oxford University SAID Executive Advanced Management and Leadership Program in Oxford UK. As a Board Director he serves on an aged and community care organisation, Multicultural Aged Care Services Geelong Inc.

Victoria Salegumba, Director Of Care
Bsc(Nursing), RN,
Victoria is a Registered Nurse with
over two decades of experience
in a broad range of roles including
critical care, nursing management,
operational management at both
aged care facility and regional
level and quality assessment of
aged care homes nationally. With
a great passion for aged care, her
vision is to provide best practice
care in the residential setting to
enable residents to continue to live
fulfilling lives.