Seeking your help!

Do you knit?

Would you like to help residents with restless hands by knitting a


This is a muff (also known as a sensory mitten) with items attached inside and outside, to keep hands active and busy.

The simple pattern is available – see an example of a finished muff  by contacting Jenny at Reception.

Click below for a copy of the pattern.

It’s a great item to make using left over and odd balls of wool and items that can be twiddled with but not break like beads, zips, ribbons etc

Twiddlemuffs InstructionsCorradina Burgaretta with a twiddlemuff 2


examples of twiddlemuffs




                                                                  One of our beautiful residents,
Corradina Burgaretta, investigating the Twiddlemuff

Completed TWIDDLEMUFFS or donations of wool and odds and ends can be dropped off at Reception.

This is such a worthwhile cause which will benefit our memory support residents.

Thank you!