Assisi Life!

While the year appears to be moving at break neck speed, the residents have been occupied with a variety of events and engagements.

Happy hour is a much-anticipated weekly get together, when each Friday afternoon, residents come together for a chat, a drink and a nibble, amidst a background of music and dance. As the residents gather, it not unusual for long lost friendships and acquaintances to reconnect. This was the case recently when Mario and Bruno realized that they had worked together in the past(see photo).

Bruno and Mario
Happy hour



Tuesday afternoons in the auditorium see a growing gathering of residents for the weekly choir rehearsal. The choir has entertained on a number of occasions, including Christmas and Mother’s Day. Their repertoire is ever evolving.

Our popular bus trips have the residents scurrying for a seat.

While the changeable weather never seems to be a deterrent, the warmer weather has provided opportunities to venture out to enjoy some sun and gelato, during drives to the beach.

February was the month where Carnevale and Valentine’s Day provided the inspiration for the entertainment. The explosion of Carnevale colour was a feast for the eyes, while the romantic tones of Valentine’s day, brought out the slightly amorous side of our couples.

Anne, Rita and Nuccia








Busy Craft day- mask making


The Mother’s Day celebration was an elegant ‘High Tea’ affair. The lifestyle team presented a beautiful setting for the afternoon and a wonderful time was had by all.

I hope you enjoy the photos, which provide a glimpse into everyday life at Assisi.

Mother’s Day High Tea


Claudio and Dora


Featured photo- Mr and Mrs Cortese.