Assisi residents getting creative

In response to Banyule Council’s call for community involvement in this year’s Carols by Candlelight art project, some of the residents were only too eager to participate, as the photos below will attest.

The concentration is real!

The Banyule Carols by Candlelight this year will be an online event and the art project is one way the community can remain connected, especially at this time of the year.

Residents immersed themselves in the ‘Paper Stars Stage Decoration’ portion of the project, where they were asked to create their own paper star, on which they would write their name and their Christmas wish. They will then be sent to the Arts and Culture team at Banyule, who will sew them together to form a star garland and use them to decorate the Christmas stage.


See message below from Banyule Council if you would like to take part:

We would love as much community engagement as possible in this virtual event and have two opportunities for you to get involved!

  1. Paper Stars Stage Decoration
  • Each person to create their own paper star and write your name and Christmas wish on it
  • The paper stars can be any size or colour, and we will sew them together to form a star garland for the carols stage decoration
  • Post your stars to:
    Banyule Arts & Culture Team, attention Anthea Fahey
    PO Box 94, Greensborough VIC 3088


2.  Share Your Christmas Message

  • Submit your Christmas message and wishes for our community; include your name, age and suburb
  • The messages and wishes will be included in the final Carols by Candlelight video!
  • Link on Carols event page:

Carols by Candlelight 2020 is going ahead in an online format, it will be hosted online and streamed on Saturday 12th December at 6pm: