Paul Keating & Carlo Valmorbida

The Assisi Centre will be celebrating its 25th anniversary


Saturday, 18th March 2017!

11am to 4pm

A very important day in the history of the Assisi Centre.

 The day will be filled with entertainment, food and activities.Convent from driveway

Your participation will ensure the success of the day.

Celebrations will commence with  Holy Mass at 11am in the Assisi Chapel.

  • Special Guest & MC will be Tony Tardio
  • with school bands & choirs
  • Free children’s activities
  • Devonshire TeaGallery of honour
  • Free Entertainment
  • Food Stalls
  • Information & history of this wonderful centre

 For more information please contact reception on 9455 1199.

 All welcome!Chapel- early photo