A special visit from Archbishop Celli

The residents at the Assisi Centre Aged Care will be honoured by a special visit from
His Excellency Archbishop Claudio Maria Celli who will celebrate Holy Mass on

Friday 8  May  2015 at 10.00am
in the Auditorium
at the Assisi Centre

All Welcome

Archbishop Claudio Maria Celli (Rome) is President of the Vatican’s Council for Communications and helped establish the YouTube channel for Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis’ twitter account (which now has almost 15 million followers!). He once stated that Catholic media “should not become…instruments of a religious or cultural fundamentalism”.[1] He continued: “Our media is directed not just to Catholics, but to all men…they don’t exist only for–or are directed only to–people who already belong to the Church, rather they should also give careful attention to what exists in the soul of man, in his heart, where sometimes there can be distance from God, or many times, a deep nostalgia for God.” (January 2008). In September 2014 he was appointed a member of the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples.

-from Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne.