The Euphoria of fine Spring weather

The recent burst of fine spring weather has provided a boost for Assisi’s thrill-crazed autobus enthusiasts.

Outdoor destinations were prominent and included The St Kilda Beach Pavilion, Elwood Beach, Finn’s Reserve in Templestowe, Beasley’s Nursery/Café, Studley Park Boathouse and Four Beans Café.

One of the most rewarding aspects of the outings is their propensity to help residents relate to time and place, via memory.  At Elwood Beach this week Mrs Perri reminisced fondly about trips made decades earlier, on the 246 bus from Clifton Hill to Elwood beach, to collect mussels from the foreshore.
Upcoming highlights of the outings program include The Banyule Seniors Festival, a Yarra Cruise and The Italian Film Festival.