Services | Assisi Centre

At Assisi, we aim to provide the highest quality aged care possible. We understand the importance of personalised care. By combining both Italian heritage and family values,  we facilitate and create enjoyable resident experiences that are both familiar and meaningful.

One of the advantages of living at Assisi is in the joy and comfort of sharing similarities such as language, religion, food and even life stories. This type of engagement and socialisation improves mental health and physical wellbeing.

In addition to our specialised aged care services, we also ensure our residents have access to allied health professionals such as:

  • General Practitioner
  • Dentist
  • Physiotherapist
  • Chiropractor
  • Podiatrist
  • Psychologist
  • Speech Pathologist
  • Dietician
  • Optometrist
  • Occupational Therapist

If you are interested in applying for entry to Assisi Aged Care Please complete and return the application form below:

Application form for respite care or permanent care at Assisi Aged Care

Residential Aged Care

At Assisi, our residents enjoy living in a modern 150 bed facility accommodating all levels of care (with the exception of hospital care). We are located only two kilometres from the Austin and Mercy Hospitals and are situated in proximity to specialists and key health services.

Assisi’s approach to aged care is centred around continuous improvement—this initiative is management driven, embraced by all staff and encourages resident participation.

Continuous improvement means we are always seeking ways to improve, prevent and when necessary, to correct issues that have occurred. We strive to do things better today, rather than wait until tomorrow.

A person-centred approach is the core of our service delivery. We understand and appreciate the differences in each resident and the tailored care they require to suit their individual needs.

As technology and care practices change, we actively upgrade our support technologies and systems. Evidence of this practice was displayed when Assisi was one of the first aged care providers in Australia to use electronic care planning and medication management systems.

At Assisi, we pride ourselves on always raising our standard. The way in which we care for residents, through to how we document and communicate information—every aspect is important.

Click below to open the Resident & Family Guide:

Resident & Family Guide May 2024

Charter of Aged Care Rights:

Charter of aged care rights English

Charter of aged care rights- Italian


Short-Term Respite Care

At Assisi we offer short-term respite care that meets the individual needs of the resident.

Choosing respite care for a loved one can be used to offer a much needed break for caregivers. Often, while caregivers are taking care of others, they don’t take the time for themselves, their health and their general wellbeing.

In times like these, respite can be of great benefit.

The length of stay varies from anywhere between 2-4 weeks. This time can be used purely as respite for a caregiver, however, it can also be used as a trial period for the resident, as a transition into aged care. Through introducing aged care living in this way, we find that residents enjoy their time participating in activities, becoming familiar with their surrounds and even make new friends.

If a resident in respite care wishes to move into permanent residential aged care, they may have to wait for a room, depending on availability.

Application form for respite or permanent care

Dementia Care

In 2021 we engaged Kirsty Bennet and Allan Kong of AKA Architects to review St Claire, the Memory Support  Unit, to develop a plan to address access and wayfinding issues that significantly restrict resident movement. This renovation is based on contemporary design principles, and will improve our care capacity by creating an area that encourages unassisted safe wandering in the outdoor space. Included is a focus on wayfinding and noise management within the building.

The changes will increase the outdoor focus of the unit, make it easier for residents to go outside, and offer a range of points of interest and engagement. The redesign will improve the visibility of residents when outdoors and remove potential hazards. There will also be internal communal area changes to doors, walls, colour and points of engagement. Doors will be added to the lounge space, acoustic paneling placed throughout the unit, carpet changed to account for altered vision and new furniture acquired.

This project is consistent with our vision to provide a centre where people with memory loss can experience reduced agitation, anxiety and confusion, with overall improvement in wellbeing.

The works commenced in May and are expected to be completed within approximately 14 weeks.


Palliative Care

The primary purpose of palliative care is to assist those with a terminal illness, so that they may retain their dignity, experience wellbeing and have access to the highest quality of life within their potential. This level of care also supports the resident’s family and friends during the illness, through to the end of life phase and during the bereavement period.

Palliative care at Assisi is available to all residents, their families and friends, regardless of gender, class, age, ethnicity, religious background or diagnosis.

Terminally ill residents and their families have the right to choose the kind of support they require and are entitled to make decisions about the care provided.

All residents who require palliative care will have a comprehensive and holistic assessment of their social, emotional, spiritual, cultural, ethnic and physical care needs.

Resident choices and preferences—or the choices and preferences of their families or representative—will be considered at all times during the care assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation process.



At Assisi we aim to create an environment that encourages belonging, independence and wellbeing.

It is important for our residents to enjoy their time here and to be involved in lifestyle activities as much as they would like to be and are able to.

To ensure our lifestyle activities are enjoyed—and are of benefit to residents—we first set out to discover as much as we can about each resident; their life, interests and current activities they enjoy. This lifestyle assessment process can be further enhanced when the resident’s family assists in providing information about their loved one; the more we know, the better we can tailor a program to suit the resident’s needs. The lifestyle program devised for the resident will undergo regular revision to ensure it meets the resident’s interests and abilities as their needs change.

In addition to their lifestyle program, residents are encouraged to continue their individual hobbies and are provided with the equipment and support required to help them to do so.

Our residents enjoy a wide range of activities including exercise groups, crafts, music and games, bus outings and there’s always plenty of music.


Our residents enjoy a wide range of activities including exercise groups, crafts, music and games, bus outings and there’s always plenty of music.

Our Lifestyle Program offers activities such as:

  • Group exercise
  • Walking in the gardens
  • Gardening in purpose-built raised garden beds
  • Ball games
  • Card games (including tombola)
  • Group discussions about art, literature, news and current events
  • Social excursions
  • Social gatherings such as BBQs and coffee club, card games and tombola for example,
  • Wellness activities such as massage, beauty care and aromatherapy.
  • Creative group activities such as art, craft and cooking.
  • Cultural and spiritual occasions including Italian specific and religious-centred events.
  • Friday Happy Hour